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You are here » Saiyan » Staff Application » :D


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This is a Example of how your appeal most look.
1: Whats your in game name? Insnapzz
2: How old are you? I'm 12 years old
3: Do you have discord? ( Needed for interview )  Yes I do have discord.
4: Why do you want to become staff member on here? I really enjoy playing on this server and want to help it!
5: Do you have staff experience? I know when I need to warn someone but I don't know everything
5: On wich server did you have a staff rank? I didn't have a staff member rank on other servers.
7: How many hours per week can you moderate on the server? atleast 7 hours a week
Note: This is a Example, not an appeal.



You have under your message 'Note: This is a Example, not an appeal' So we don't really now of it's an appeal or an Example so you have 24 hours to fix it or this appeal will be denied



The things you had to do to complete your appeal you have not done within 24 hours so this appeal will be DeniedAnd Locked


You are here » Saiyan » Staff Application » :D